Sunday, June 17, 2018

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks – Week 24 Father’s Day

Since I have previously written about my Dad and both of my Grandfathers as well as my Father-in-law, this post will be about my children’s father, my husband.

Dave Peterson was a man of love, character, religion, discipline, loyalty and honor.
He was the kind of man who sent his daughter roses upon her birth. He was the father who went to the kindergarten class as Santa Claus to the delight of the five-year-olds. Too bad our daughter recognized his boots.

He was the dad who kept balloons in his desk drawer so he could “fix” a broken one.

When a scout leader was needed, he was the one who stepped up so the boys could have a troop. He started with the 7-year-old Cub Scouts and stayed with them until they finished and earned their Eagle Scout rank. He went to Jamborees and the Boy Scout Ranch as well as white water rafting with his scouts.

He was the dad who umped summer softball at the grade school field. He stood on the side lines cheering the cross-country team on wet cold Saturday mornings.

Dave was someone who ran for election to the village board and accepted the responsibility of police commissioner and also served on the water and sewer committee for the village, showing his belief in community service.

As a faithful member of his church, Dave not only participated on a weekly basis, he volunteered there too by assuming the duties of both a lector and Eucharistic Minister.

Dave didn’t lecture our children, he taught by example. He showed them how to be good citizens of the world by showing them how. He listened to them with respect, never belittling their viewpoint or ideas. He didn't talk down to them.

Both of our children have learned well from their father’s example and are teaching others by example. These values are being passed on to his grandchildren and Dave couldn’t have left a more valuable legacy.

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